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VideoCharge Studio

By murali on 12:29 AM

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Easy To Use Web Video Generator

VideoCharge Studio is a desktop application which creates Internet optimized video. It could be of interest for users who wants to create video gallery at site, extract frames from video file and create graphic gallery, creates YouTube video.

It could be used as video editor with extended options. VideoCharge Studio can also be used to rapidly add watermarks to video and graphic files.

Here are some key features of "VideoCharge Studio":

· VideoCharge Studio allows splitting video editing into several steps: select video, select frames for Thumbnails, edit image.
· All operations are executed before the encoding process that speed up the application greatly.
· Actually if you want to split a video clip into one-minutes reels, you can select necessary and remove unused reels before encoding starts! You see that encoding process would be much faster than encoding of entire film!
· At the same time you can omit the mentioned step and do not create thumbnails. You can combine automatic frames selection with manual editing!

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