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HyperCam 2.14.04

By murali on 6:38 PM

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Captures the action from your screen and saves it to an AVI movie

HyperCam captures the action and sound from any part of Windows desktop and saves it to standard AVI movie files.

Captures cursor movements, menus selections, windows popping up and everything else you see on the screen. Correctly handles color palette changes if recording in 256 color mode. Allows you to pan the recorded area around the screen.

Optionally annotates recorded movies with text. Can be also controlled remotely by Automation client software.

Use in preparation of software tutorials, presentations, demonstrations etc.

Records AVI files that may be bigger than 4 GB if necessary (on Windows NT/2000/XP and higher, NTFS disk partitions)

More options to screen notes added - hot keys, automatic hide after specified time-out.

Please note that HyperCam is not intended for re-recording of other video clips from the screen.


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