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By murali on 6:44 PM

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Perfect for those who like to be up-to-date capturing and recording video and audio from all over the world and from any sources

1AVCenter is for: video capture, screen capture, web cam surveillance, sound recording, secure file sharing, video broadcasting, audio broadcasting, desktop monitoring, photo sharing, video sharing, webcam live publishing, remote surveillance, and a lot more ...

It successfully combines the functions of five different programs and represents a great media center with a vast sphere of use: from capturing videos and recording internet-radio shows to such advanced and important activities as monitoring the web cam, the desktop or the microphone during your absence thus securing your child, home or office, and also publishing a secure web site right from your PC.

The program can also send media and photo files to multiple e-mail addresses with one click and back up all software settings and operation states to a single file that you can restore later. 1AVCenter generates media in almost all known formats: JPG, AVI, WMV, WAV, MP3 and WMA.


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